Apr 20, 20202 min read
Witnessing Wills: Covid and Potential Fraud
Common Law countries require a will to be signed and witnessed - by 4-5 people. If covid requires you to isolate, how can you sign the will?
Professional Wills Ltd (PWL) has been serving clients who need expert advice about their Wills since 2006.
Our knowledge in Wills and Estate Planning is unrivalled in Hong Kong, and the region. The team here at PWL are dedicated to our clients and by creating a Will you are doing one of the most critical things you can do for your loved ones.
Putting your wishes on paper gives you the peace of mind knowing that a life's worth of possessions will end up in the right hands.
What happens if you are unable to care for your children and there are no instructions on who will look after them? Appointing legal guardians guarantees your children will be cared for by the people you choose.
Today's Wills are sophisticated documents which provide clear instructions to your family so that the Will can be administered quickly and effectively. Come and chat to our experts who have handled over 10,000 Wills in the region.
A Living Will allows you to make your wishes known to your medical team for your end of life medical wishes.
An Enduring Power of Attorney takes effect if you become mentally incapacitated. The document allows you to nominate someone to manage your financial affairs until you recover or pass away.